MDC2 ISR Market Report
Multi-Domain Command and Control and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Report
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George Washington the first president of the United States was also America’s first intelligence chief. During the revolutionary war, Washington spent more than 10 per cent of military funding on intelligence-related activities.
After returning to England with the defeated British army, London newspapers quoted Maj. George Beckwith, the head of British intelligence operations in the colonies as saying, “Washington did not really outfight the British, he simply outspied us.”
Despite that seemingly being Maj. Beckwith’s responsibility to counter, you will be pleased to hear he continued to rise through the ranks, attained the full rank of General and died Sir George Beckwith in 1823.
The scouts and spies of the 18th century were no new invention. Shortly before Julius Caesar was stabbed to death he was handed a list of conspirators. His intelligence network had delivered their product. He may perhaps have survived if he had read and acted on it.
This report lists some slightly more contemporary trends in MDC2 & ISR as well as many key developments in what is a buoyant market. However, history should serve as a reminder that the latest gadget, technique and method is only a part. Adversaries must be countered, and information must be acted upon in order to yield results.
Failure to do so may go unpunished for certain individuals (I’m looking at you Gen. Sir George) but could also result in decades of turmoil and overturn the status quo.
Please do download and read this market report - it covers global trends, as well as specific procurements in Air, Land, Sea as well as Space, Cyber and Emerging Technology in Multi-Domain Command and Control and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaisance.