Interview with SKYDEX on Enhancing Vehicle Survivability
In conversation with Taylor Hayley of SKYDEX Technologies, Inc.
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Defence iQ interviewed Taylor Hayley, Vice President of Sales and Strategy for the Defense Markets, SKYDEX Technologies, Inc.
If this topic is of interest, register for free to the October webinar here.
Q1. Can you provide us with an overview of the survivability and mobile protection challenges or limitations affecting the armed forces today?
Q2. How have experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan shaped platform design considerations for the next generation of armoured vehicles? As we shift towards a ‘high end’ warfighting concept, how might that inform decision-making around future vehicles programmes and requirements?
Q3. There is a big focus within the Defence community right now on innovation. Can you share some insight into Skydex’s innovation process – from user-focused engagement, through to prototyping and manufacturing?
Q4. Speaking of innovation, could you bring our readers up to speed on some of the most exciting products you’re developing?
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