Beth Dittmer

Propulsion Integration Division Chief US Air Force Life Cycle Management Centre

Ms. Dittmer is the Propulsion Integration Division Chief, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. Ms. Dittmer is responsible for a multitude of strategic propulsion integration programs, such as, PACER Edge (Additive Manufacturing for Sustainment), Digital Enterprise (Condition Based MX+, Reliability Centered MX, and predictive analytics), Technology Insertion, Joint Oil Analysis Program, Engine Water Wash, Engine Test Cell Correlation, Strategic Workload Optimization, and the Comprehensive Engine Management System (CEMS). She is responsible for the Propulsion Directorate’s Director’s Action Group and Strategic Resource Management including manpower/human resources, facilities, and training. All programs are critical to the ready, affordable, safe, and effective execution of the Air Force’s propulsion mission. Ms. Dittmer leads a diverse organization of technical and logistics experts that continue to modernize the propulsion enterprise through technology advancements and innovative solutions. Ms. Dittmer was hired into Federal Government service in 2002 as an Inventory Management Specialist under the Outstanding Scholars Program. She was an Inventory Management Specialist in the Specialty Engines branch for the TF34 and J85 engines from 2002 until 2006. In 2006, she moved to 423rd Supply Chain Management Squadron (SCMS) and served as a Production Management Specialist until November 2008. During this time, she managed the Parker Corporate Contract in addition to other overhaul contracts. In November 2008, Ms. Dittmer was selected as a Logistics Management Specialist in the 423 SCMS. She held that position until August 2009 when she was promoted to the Lead Production Management Specialist for the 423 SCMS Accessories Squadron. In December 2012, she was promoted to the F101/F108/F118 Requirements Section Chief in 421 SCMS. In November 2014, she moved to the F101/F108/F118 Logistics Section Chief position where she was responsible for logistics, production management, and equipment specialist functions of the flight. In June 2016, she was promoted to F101/F108/F118 Flight Chief where she led a team of 28 highly-skilled professionals responsible for executing an annual buy budget of $111M and repair budget of $320M. In May 2017, she was reassigned as the 421 SCMS Deputy Director, where she managed the recoverable end item supportability for USAF engine fleets meeting War Reserve Engine (WRE) requirements and Asset Availability goals. Additionally, she was responsible for the execution of more than 6000 NSNs valued at $5.6B supporting 14,000 engines across 37 TMSs and 16 aircraft.

26 February


• The ability to react quickly: returning operational capabilities to the war fighter

• Repairing obsolete parts with AM as a cost-effective solution

• Engaging with industry to meet capability demands

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