Jonathan Quinn

Director General, Continental Defence Policy Canadian Armed Forces

Jonathan Quinn is the Director General for Continental Defence Policy at the Department of National Defence (DND). This division, within the Assistant Deputy Minister (Policy) group, is responsible for strategic policy development in the areas of continental and Arctic defence, NORAD modernization, the military use of cyber, space and other emerging capabilities, and the defence and security implications of climate change. Jonathan has held a number of positions in the defence and security field since joining the Public Service in 2005.

Among other assignments, he served as Chief of Staff to the Deputy Minister of National Defence (2017-2019), Director of Policy Development (2015-2017), and Deputy Director of Cabinet Liaison (2010-2013) at the Department of National Defence; as Counsellor (Defence and Security) at Canada’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York (2013-2015); and as an analyst at the Foreign and Defence Policy Secretariat at the Privy Council Office (2008-2010).

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