• Data as the ‘digital backbone’ to ensure operational integration across all domains
• Making data accessible, standardised and secure through the Defence Data Framework
• Initiatives to integrate AI and machine learning into defence operations
• Overview of current programmes (ZODIAC), MCBRIDE, SERPENS, WATCHKEEPER, TIQUILLA and ORION
• Current challenges facing these programmes
• Requirements for the future
• Utilising advanced sensors and surveillance systems to gather real-time data
• Implementing sophisticated command and control systems to support decision-making
• Challenges for delivering and integrating pan-environmental C4ISR capabilities and opportunities for improvement through the new DE&S Op Model
• Command Advantage as the critical edge gained by ensuring that our command and control (C2) capabilities (Joint Functions) consistently outperform our adversaries
in every scenario.
• Treating C2 as a key capability, on par with Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR), or Fires
• Ensuring that we are agile, coherent, proactive and providing operational advantages
• Research into enhancing information and knowledge management
• Experimenting and validating new processes
• Ensuring systems are robust, adaptable, and capable of meeting current and future challenges
• Investment into resilient network architecture
• Case study insights into multidomain operations
• Requirements for the future of secure systems
Join us for an enlightening panel discussion featuring industry leaders on the forefront of C4ISR technology. This session will delve into the latest advancements aimed
at accelerating decision-making across allied forces from the initial surveillance of threats to operational decisions. Our expert panellists will explore how cutting-edge
technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and real-time data integration are revolutionising the C4ISR landscape.
• What should the future joint C4ISR ecosystem consist of; how will this retain an advantage against near-peer competitors?
• Within the context of increasingly multi-domain battlespaces, how do we ensure that intelligence is collaboratively gathered and efficiently disseminated
to relevant commands?
• How do we best utilise the joint capabilities of allies and partners, establishing interoperability between systems?
• Overview of current satellite capabilities
• Integration of satellite data with ground-based systems
• Future developments in space technology
• Current priorities and programmes
• Integrating new technologies into existing systems
• Collaboration with academia and industry