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Socio-Technical Approach to Resilience in C4ISR

Socio-Technical Approach to Resilience in C4ISR

Gearing up to meet near-peer competitors requires forces to accept that the advantages of C4ISR they may have faced in an asymmetric theatre may be degraded or destroyed. Near-peers can commit more significant and sophisticated resources to prevent our command and intelligence advantage. This requires a concrete and profound change in paradigm thinking in that having only one way of doing C4ISR is a grave mistake and that the concept of resilience needs to become the norm. In this interview, Alec Bain, a principal C2 analyst from the UK’s defence lab, DSTL, goes into detail on his thoughts on:

  • The importance of resilience
  • How the concept of resilience needs to go beyond just the technical and into Socio-Technical
  • The current state and the future of UK C4ISR adopting resilience and its implications.
The Case for European Joint All Domain Command and Control

The Case for European Joint All Domain Command and Control

When facing a near-peer on the world stage, the one who can make the best decisions the fastest will hold the advantage. This decision-making advantage will be crucial as it will best use the available, if not limited, resources. Recognising this, forces face several internal and external challenges in achieving this, whether it be the challenges posed by massive quantities of data across domains that need to be processed or the activities and technologies employed by near-peers that try to degrade your decision-making capabilities. The US response to this is Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2), a strategy for combining sensors across domains, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and effectors to achieve decision superiority. On the surface, this strategy seems exactly what Europe needs in the face of a more aggressive Russia. However, challenges abound. This paper explores JADC2 and its applicability to the European context.

C4ISR Market Report 2025-2029: Selected Countries

C4ISR Market Report 2025-2029: Selected Countries

The importance of C4ISR on the battlefield remains paramount for intelligence. Effective C4ISR is a determining factor in combat effectiveness, as it is paramount to delivering the best economy of force and survivability. This market report covers the increased investment in air, land, and seaborne platforms across the most relevant nations, delivering the most up-to-date forecasts and program updates. Now more than ever, intelligence holds a special premium in the minds of all competent commanders.

Interactive Analysis: C4ISR Agile Intelligence Market Report

Interactive Analysis: C4ISR Agile Intelligence Market Report

Understanding what is happening on the battlefield and controlling the tempo is paramount to any successful operation. From manoeuvres to fire missions, C4ISR plays a pivotal role in ensuring that warfighters maximise their effectiveness. This interactive market report covers several of the most important C4ISR programs in the following domains:

  • Air
  • Land
  • Sea
  • Space