
2023 Agenda- CABSEC and OPV Latin America Combined Forum

2023 Agenda- CABSEC and OPV Latin America Combined Forum

The Warships & OPV Latin America Conference focuses on the rejuvenation of naval fleets across Latin America, featuring insightful sessions that highlight the importance of ship design preferences and the evolving demands for enhancing fleet adaptability in various maritime operations. Exploring the shared challenges faced in the maritime hemisphere, the conference delves into practical and budget-conscious approaches to effectively oversee the modernization and procurement of naval vessels, integrating state-of-the-art technologies, promoting versatile multi-mission capabilities, and fostering the growth of domestic shipbuilding expertise.

CABSEC - The Caribbean Basin Maritime Security and Coastal Surveillance conference - also known as CABSEC, focuses on addressing security challenges in the region by fostering the advancement of comprehensive maritime security measures. This includes the utilisation of maritime patrol aircraft, specialised mission systems, air assets, and cutting-edge technologies for efficient information sharing. Operating at the strategic level, the forum brings together Chiefs of Defence, service Chiefs, ministers, and other high-ranking officials committed to strengthening regional security cooperation.

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CABSEC, SAMSEC and Surface Warships and OPV LATAM Combined Forum 2023 Agenda

CABSEC, SAMSEC and Surface Warships and OPV LATAM Combined Forum 2023 Agenda

CABSEC - The Caribbean Basin Martime Security and Coastal Surveillance conference operates at the strategic level and draws in Chiefs of Defence, Service Chiefs as well as ministers and other senior leaders involved in enhancing regional security cooperation throughout the Caribbean.

Warships and OPV Latin America is established as the premier meeting ground for the higher naval commands of the region and their international partners, the conference supports Latin American navies renew their surface fleets with flexible and versatile vessels by facilitating industry engagement.

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