The Only Conference Bringing Together Military, Humanitarian Groups, and Industry Leaders to Discuss and Improve Operations in EOD and Demining

23 - 24 September, 2025 | Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington, London, United Kingdom

Major Ian Bloomsburg

Deputy Director U.S. SETAF-AF

(U) MAJ Ian Bloomsburg is the DCSENG CIED Deputy Branch Chief for Southern European Task Force- Africa (SETAF-AF). He has worked at the CIED office for two years. MAJ Bloomsburg received his commission as an infantry officer from University of Idaho in 2006, and graduated from Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal in 2012. He has served an infantry platoon leader, battalion intelligence officer, EOD Company Commander, EOD Battalion S3 and Executive Officer, as well as EOD staff officer at 7th Infantry Division, United States Army Pacific, and SETAF-AF. MAJ Bloomsburg has deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait in support of numerous US, NATO and coalition operations.

Agenda Day 2


  • C-IED capability and capacity in training and equipping African nations
  • Adapting tools and technology to urban and rural environments
  • Exploring the role of SETAF in C-IED activities

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Ian.

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