• Balancing the benefits, drawbacks, and countermeasures of DEWs in modern warfare
• Potential challenges of DEW for industry, and developments needed to push investment forward
• Impact of the successful DragonFire trials in the UK to push DEWs into the field
• Insights into the testing & evaluation stages of the UK’s High Energy Laser System
· Importance of testing to meet evolving C-UAS requirements
· Next stages of trials and developments for Team Hersa
· Update on prototyping and testing of US Army DEW for operational capability
· Modernising lethality to counter evolving UAS threats
· New technologies and innovation needed to increase DEW performance
• Integration challenges for existing systems and infrastructure
• ACC considerations of SWaP requirements for DE systems
• Air Combat Command perspective on the Counter-UAS mission, and the importance of collaboration with other branches to refine DE technologies for the C-UAS mission
· Understand what performance DE systems provide based on advances in science and technology
· Explore how widely and at what levels Directed Energy capabilities are proliferated across nation states and other entities
· Hear insights on the military utility of DE enabled capabilities in the execution of the kill chain, across domains and across the phases of conflict
• How do militaries and industry view the proposed applications of High Energy Laser in modern warfare?
• How does the counter-UAS mission impact developments in DEW?
• How can DE weapons be operated in a more volatile, urban environment?
• What technological advancements are needed to increase capabilities in the future operating environment?
• How can industry support the integration of Directed Energy Weapons into the wider air defence system?
· UK DEW capabilities for Counter-UAS, focusing on tracking, targeting, and mitigating threats from enemy drones
· Challenges of developing DEW from a testing, SWaP and robustness point of view
· Cost considerations for directed energy development and integration, including perspectives on DragonFire, Wolfhoud and Ealing
• Exploring HEL capabilities for C-UAS operations
• Key insights into directed energy deployment for M-SHORAD operations
• Transition from Army RCCTO to PEO Missiles & Space
· Impact of high-energy laser deployment on existing defence infrastructure
· Restrictions of using HEL in the battlefield, and across different environments
· Considerations of the optronic countermeasures for high-energy lasers