Changing Face of Missile Defence

Changing Face of Missile Defence
With the proliferation of UAVs of various sizes, the increasing number of (ballistic) missile-equipped nations and growing geopolitical uncertainty in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region in particular - Air and Missile Defence programmes and requirements are understandably evolving at a rapid pace. The value of the Air and Missile Defence market is estimated to reach in excess of $35 billion by 2025. Over the last decade IAMD has established itself as the chosen forum for the global air defence community – discussing strategy, best practice, emerging technologies, and methods for enabling greater cooperation between international partners and allies. Given the ever increasing threat of radical institutions (both state and non-state) with access to weapons of mass destruction, it is critical that the global air and missile defence community meet once again and discuss how we can best protect our national security and infrastructure against these rising threats. With this in mind the 10th annual Integrated Air & Missile Defence conference will take place on 29-30 March in London, UK. Ahead of the event, we re-map the changing world of missile defence, from THAAD membership in Asia to Aegis expansion in Eastern Europe…

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