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Full Spectrum Air Defence | Agenda

Bringing together the most influential stakeholders from across the air and missile defence community, the 19th Full Spectrum Air Defence Week is returning to Hilton Syon Park, London, UK in June 2025. This event is the premier meeting gr ...

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Full Spectrum Air Defence Latest News and Trends

2024 was, without a shadow of a doubt, an incredibly active year for Full Spectrum Defence. A plethora of news on system development, adoption, and deployment was released globally, as well as various statements from national and international bodies edifying their focus on this capability. In preparation for the upcoming Full Spectrum Air Defence Week (FSAD) conference, Defence IQ has gathered some of the most important 2024 news releases from across the air defence sector to increase awareness.

This brand new report includes last year’s air defence news and updates from: NATO, OCCAR, European Defence Agency, Canada, United States, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Germany, Moldova, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Armenia, Australia, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, UAE, Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, Nigeria and Sudan.

Full Spectrum Air Defence Week 2024 Recap

The threats in the air domain continue to become more complex as new technologies come into play on the battlefield, including high-end threats such as Hypersonics as well as low-cost threats such as S-UAS. With such a challenge ahead of us, the only way forward is for us to work together and share ideas. In preparation for the Full Spectrum Air Defence Conference 2025, we have prepared a 2024 FSAD Recap highlighting the success and importance of air defence against a full spectrum of threats. In this flashback, we cover the greatest highlights of the previous conference and how we will push the envelope for 2025.

Beyond the Horizon: Navigating the Future of Military Radar Technology

An effective air defence strategy is mainly reliant on the use of radars. As a domain, radars are locked in a constant game of cat-and-mouse with other technologies and methodologies that try to negate their sensing abilities. This may pose significant challenges to understanding the current state of play. To this end, we were very fortunate to interview Thomas Withington, one of the most recognisable thought leaders in the radar and EW domain. In this interview, he shares his thoughts on the current state of the industry and technology, highlighting the most critical trends in industry and technology.

Full Spectrum Air Defence Market Report, NATO Nations and Partner Nations, 2024-2029

NATO and Partner Nations are refocusing their efforts on Full Spectrum Air Defence (FSAD). As nations prepare for near-peer competition, forces must prepare to contest the air space from capable air forces and ballistic threats. On the other hand, the proliferation and democratisation of ballistic and UAV technologies means that even non-state actors can now project a limited but significant threat from the air. As a result of these pressures, the Air Defence Market is predicted to grow by a CAGR of 2.5% until 2029, from US$31.6 to US$35.7 billion. Investments include not only the modernisation of Air Defence platforms but the acquisition of new capabilities as well.

This report covers programmes related to:

  • Air Defence
  • Counter Ballistic and Hypersonic systems
  • Counter Unmanned Arial Vehicles systems

Netherlands Air Defence; What's Next? Interview with Brigadier General Peter Gielen, Portfolio Manager Royal Netherlands Army

In 2022, in the initial stages of the Ukrainian invasion, the Dutch government released its Defence White Paper that set the path forward for the nation's defence priorities. Amongst several priorities was the need to revitalise their air defence capabilities. Exploring the topic further had the privilege of interviewing Brigadier General Peter Gielen, portfolio manager of the Royal Netherlands Army. Speaking as an air defence officer, he gave clarity on:

  • On the current steps taken by the Dutch forces on adhering to the white paper
  • An overview of Dutch capabilities
  • The roadblocks in developing the Dutch indigenous industry capabilities

Full Spectrum Air Defence News Round-Up

Current conflicts have shown the importance of full spectrum air defence. Whether the threat be hypersonics or small and cheap UAVs, the truth is that democratisation of airborne technologies have opened new avenues of attack, and the world has taken notice. As a result of this we are seeing several nations investing in air defence capabilities. This news roundup is provides some of the latest news on all things concerning platform purchases of air defence technologies. 

Sponsorship Information

Full Spectrum Air Defence Week 2025 | Agenda for Sponsors

Bringing together the most influential stakeholders from across the air and missile defence community, the 19th Full Spectrum Air Defence Week is returning to Hilton Syon Park, London, UK in June 2025. 

This event is the premier meeting ground for industry, military, government personnel, R&D and S&T leaders to learn and share knowledge, and to benefit from the true value of the conference, by making connections, forging new relationships, and strengthening those existing ones. 

As nations invest in enhancing their defensive capabilities to respond to emerging threats, this conference provides the most valuable annual forum to address the current challenges and priorities for air and missile defence. 

Learn more about the the topics, key themes, speakers, sponsors, and more, by downloading the Full Spectrum Air Defence Week 2025 Agenda today >> 

Additional Resources

Full Spectrum Air Defence Week 2023 Attendee List

Check out the previous attendee snapshot, which highlights the companies, militaries, and government leaders who attended our 2023 conference, many of whom are already expected at the 2024 conference.

2024 Attendee Snapshot

Full Spectrum Air Defence Conference (25-26 June) will address the challenges faced by forces defending and protecting against air and missile attacks and threats. As part of the Air Defence Week, running alongside the main conference, are two specialist focus days providing depth and breadth in the context of fully integrated and layered Air Defence:

Directed Energy Systems (24 June) will explore recent advancements in R&D that are pushing technology to the level where fully configured DEW systems are now being designed and tested for imminent deployment, particularly for the use of countering drones.

Military Radar (27 June) will provide a deep technical and focused perspective on the usage and future trends of Military Radar, and their role in the field of Air and Missile Defence, looking specifically at the improvement of, detection, monitoring, and early warning capabilities of radar systems.

Check out the current 2024 Attendee Snapshot to see the companies, militaries, and government leaders who have confirmed their attendance!

Industry Insights

Hypersonic Defence Report

Few developments have caught the West as off guard as Hypersonic Weapons. As a result, several nations are scrambling to develop their own Hypersonic and countermeasure capabilities to stabilize geopolitical power dynamics. This report gives the most up to date review of the Hypersonic Defence landscape. Dr James Bosbotinis delivers an in-depth analysis of relevant programmes and technologies, highlighting the complex nature of the problem facing western nations.

[Exclusive Interview] Exploring the current state of Air Defence with Colonel (Retd.) David Shank, Full Spectrum Air Defence Chairman

Defence iQ had the pleasure of interviewing Colonel (Retd.) David Shank. The current state of Air Defence is explored, with talks on its current state and future, the developments in Eastern Europe and the refocus on near-peer conflict, David enlightens us on trends and views of this transformation.

The objectives and value of the conference are made clear. Whether you are a veteran of Air Defence, industry, or have a passing curiosity in the world of Air Defence, this interview helps edify your foundations.

Hear valuable insights like that of Colonel (Retd.) David Shank and more at the Full Spectrum Air Defence conference in June.

Full Spectrum Air Defence: Interview with Zak Kallenborn on the current state of affairs of C-UAS

Drone swarms represent some of the most advanced threats faced on the modern battlefield. Capable of overwhelming defences and causing significant damage, forces worldwide continue to invest in new and innovative Counter UAS technologies.

Zak Kallenborn is a policy fellow at the Schar School of Policy and Government, a Research Affiliate with the Unconventional Weapons and Technology Division of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), and a Senior Consultant at ABS Group. He has provided consultations for offices including the Departments of State, Defense, Commerce, and Homeland Security.

An expert in UAV Swarm technology, operating at the very bleeding edge, Zak Kallenborn gives insights into the latest developments and concepts relating to the threat. From industry to technology, Zak shares his informed views. With his significant experience and specialism, the interview proves useful for end-users, legislators, and suppliers alike.

Contested Skies: Usage of UAS in the Ukrainian War

The war in Ukraine has challenged many assumptions previously held about near-peer competition, one of them being the use and effectiveness of UAS on the battlefield in a near-peer situation. In this unique interview, an undisclosed Ukrainian Airforce representative discusses and analyses the usage of UAS and C-UAS on the contemporary battlefield by both sides, painting a picture of the current state of play. This piece is a must-read for anyone with even a passing interest in full spectrum air defence as it will inform how best to approach future conflict.

Interview Extract from Defence Analyst, Justin Bronk from RUSI on Full Spectrum Air Defence

We had the pleasure of interviewing the Senior Research Fellow for Airpower and Technology in the Military Sciences team at Royal United Services Institute, Justin Bronk. A leading expert on several military topics, we asked him questions on Air Defence in the context of the Ukraine conflict. With world-leading access to information and analytics and an immense pool of expertise to draw from, we ask the most pertinent questions

Major General Glenn Bramhall on the reintegration of SHORAD capabilities into the manoeuvre force

Air defence capability gaps have become more apparent in recent years with the emergence of Unmanned Aerial Systems on the battlefield, which forced land forces’ commanders to take measures.

Major General Glenn A. Bramhall, Special Assistant to the Director Army National Guard, US National Guard understands well the need for land forces to operate freely without being constantly under threat with no means of defence. 

Understanding the Joint C-UAS Office: Interview with Group Captain Gary Darby

C-UAS has transformed from a niche domain to one of the principal challenges on the battlefield. In recognition of this, the UK MoD created the Joint C-UAS Office (JCO) headed by Group Captain Gary Darby. In this interview, he delivers first-hand insight into:

  • The Joint C-UAS Office mission
  • Trends in the C-UAS domain
  • The relationship between the JCO and other branches and industry

Exclusive Presentations

Exclusive Presentation - Polish Armed Forces Concept for Short Range Air Defence Systems Development - The way from idea to new capabilities.

A preview of what you can expect from our Full Spectrum Air Defence conference - an exclusive presentation from Brigadier General Kazimierz, Chief of Air and Missile Defense Department, Polish Armed Forces, which was delivered at the 2023 conference, on Polish Armed Forces Concept for Short Range Air Defence Systems Development - The way from idea to new capabilities.

Exclusive Presentation: Sensor Subsystem for New Generation Ground-Based Surface to Air Missile Systems (Col. Jaworski)

Ahead of the Military Radar Focus Day (27 June), we thought you may be interested in this information pack from Colonel Przemysław Jaworski, Chief of the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Program at the Armament Agency, who shared insights on "Sensor Subsystem for New Generation Ground-Based Surface to Air Missile Systems WISLA & NAREW" at the 2023 Military Radar Conference.

Exclusive Presentation: Efforts to Support and Sustain Fielding of Directed Energy Systems (Mr. Corry Cox)

Ahead of the Directed Energy Systems Focus Day (24 June), we thought you may be interested in this information pack from Mr. Corry Cox, Director of Research and Technology at the US Army SMDC Tech Center, who shared insights on "Efforts to Support and Sustain Fielding of Directed Energy Systems" at the 2023 Directed Energy Systems Conference.

Exclusive Presentation: Confronting Adversary C-UAS Threat

The "Confronting Adversary C-UAS Threat" presentation was delivered by Group Captain Darby, SRO C-UAS, Head, Joint C-UAS Team, UK MoD in 2022.

A few topics this presentation explores are:

  • UK MOD Capability Governance
  • UK C-UAS Methodology
  • C-UAS Defeat Options
  • C-UAS Rapid Innovation Cell

Exclusive Presentation: US Army Air and Missile Defence Modernization Strategy

The Program Executive Office Missiles and Space Modernization Update was delivered at the 2022 Full Spectrum Air Defence conference by Mr. Thomas Doss, Assistant Program Executive Officer, International, PEO Missiles and Space.

A few topics this presentation explores are:

  • Rocket, Artillery, Motor (RAM) and Counter RAM
  • Lower Tier Air Missile Defence Sensor
  • Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems
  • Missile Segment Enhancement
  • Integrated Battle Command Systems
  • Patriot Ground Support Equipment
  • Indirect Fire Protection Capability
  • Short Range Air Defence
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