Ms. Julie Isaac assumed responsibilities as the Project Director for Sensors Aerial Intelligence (PD SAI) in May 2024. She leads an organization responsible for the delivery of the Army’s premier aerial intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) sensors to enable the timely dissemination of intelligence products to meet current and future Soldier needs. Ms. Isaac started her career in acquisition as a statistician, working on multiple assignments such as Program Office Estimates, Analysis of Acquisition and Business Case Analysis for numerous Acquisition Category (ACAT) II and ACAT III acquisition programs. She pursued many growth opportunities as a junior employee by engaging in opportunities within the Program Office in Contracts and Program Analysis within both Program Executive Office Command Control Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T) and PEO Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (IEW&S) for ACAT I, II, and III programs. In 2016, she started an assignment as Program Analyst for Program Manager Electronic Warfare and Integration where she guided the Business Management Division team through the growth to an ACAT I Major Automated Information System. This undertaking included the successful completion of an Army Cost Position, a Milestone B for Capability Drop 2 and a Limited Deployment Decision for Capability Drop 1. Ms. Isaac was then selected as the Business Management Division Chief for PD SAI where she led a team providing guidance and oversight of the fiscal laws and regulations for the programs to execute funding and contracts through the yearly Program Plans Budget and Execution (PPBE) cycle. She spent a year of her time at PD SAI as Acting Deputy Project Director (DPD) during which she ensured seamless continuity of internal operations and maintained stakeholder relationships and engagements. In February 2022, she was selected as Deputy Project Manager for Position, Navigation, and Timing (PM PNT), where she led two of the Army’s modernization priorities through successful Milestone C and Initial Operational Test and Evaluation events. During her stead at PM PNT, the Alternative Navigation (ALTNAV) program received a successful Acquisition Shaping Panel and received verbal approval to enter program initiation. Ms. Isaac assumed responsibilities as the DPD SAI in March 2024. As the DPD, she was responsible for manned and unmanned aerial sensor capabilities for the U.S. Army and other users. Ms. Isaac’s passion for acquisition and mentoring the workforce led to her receiving numerous awards such as C5ISR Top Ten Outstanding Personnel of the Year Award in 2021, APG Federal Women’s Program for Outstanding Women of the Year in 2023, two Meritorious Civilian Service Medals, a Civilian Service Commendation Medal, and an Achievement Medal. Ms. Isaac holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Economics. She is a U.S. Army Acquisition Corps Member, DoD Financial Management Level III certified with Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certifications in both Business Financial Management and Program Management Career Fields.
• Importance of having multiple capabilities available to maintain battlespace awareness and superiority
• Approach to sensor deployment
• Broad look at next-generation requirements, and future collaboration with industry
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