This panel discussion will welcome artillery commanders to share their thoughts on how they view the future strategic environment and to debate the key issues of the day. The audience will also have the opportunity to present questions and contribute to the discussion.
- What will the role of artillery be within the future force structure? To what extent is the role of artillery as a force suppressor applicable to the anticipated demands of future combat operations?
- What impact will the future force structure have on the capability balance?
- In which areas do our adversaries wield greater capability? What collaborative strategies can be employed to increase coordination and joint capability between Allied or partner nations?
- To what extent must forces invest in long-range, high-end systems, and will doing so lead to a shortfall in mass and lethality?
- Is current counter-fires doctrine able to keep pace with contemporary operations, and does available capability match that doctrine?
- What limitations does the A2/AD battlefield place on the fielding of indirect fires systems, and how must industry adapt its offering?