Armoured Vehicles Portfolio

Overview: International Armoured Vehicles: The History

The International Armoured Vehicles conference & exhibition series has grown from its original format, "Light & Medium Armoured Vehicles" in 2002, which had just 40 delegates and 1 sponsor in London, at the Thistle Lancaster Gate Hotel, to where it is today in 2013, with over 2500 visitors, 50 speakers and 100 exhibitors.

Defence IQ has strived to keep up with the evolution of the armoured vehicles market – which in the recent years has moved towards greater protection due to the increasing threats being faced in theatres across the world. Just a few years ago, the wave of IEDs, RPGs and other ballistic measures of attacks resulted in vehicles such as MRAP being procured en masse.

Fast forward to today – maximising and balancing Armoured Vehicle capabilities are critical for current operations and future threats, especially with the current battlepsace. Defence IQ understands that the threat is constantly changing – that's why we are continuously doing our research to ensure we're discussing the latest developments, battlefield changes and the impact on operations.

Throughout its history, Defence IQ has taken pride in its strong speaker faculty to lead these discussions and to carry the debate during the conference.

These speakers have included:

usaGeneral William Scott Wallace
Former Commanding General, Training and Doctrine Command
US Army

usaLieutenant General Tom Metz
Former Director, Joint IED Defeat Organisation

CanadaLieutenant General Andrew Leslie
Chief of Land Staff
Canadian DND

ukLieutenant General Paul Newton
Commander, Force Development and Training
British Army

FranceLieutenant General Jean Tristan Verna
Land Equipment Maintenance Joint Organisation
French MoD

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