International Armoured Vehicles 2024 Programme

22-25 January 2024 | Twickenham Stadium, London

The world’s premier international meeting ground for all elements of the armoured community.

70+ speakers | 40+ nations | 150+ industry organisations | 950+ attendees

Attend IAVC 2024 at this critical time as the world becomes an increasingly unsafe place and nations accelerate and prioritise the development and acquisition of modern armoured solutions.

Specific areas of discussion include:

  • The resurgence of heavy armour and large-scale combat operations
  • The importance of critical enablers and specialist vehicles
  • Balancing cost and capability to deliver mass on the future battlefield
  • Improving industrial supply chains between friendly nations
  • Accelerating the transition to hybrid electric drive
  • Uncrewed Systems and the networks and architectures that will enable them

Download the 2024 agenda for more information. 

Here's what happened at IAVC 2023

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