The annual Future Artillery Gala Dinner is one of the key conference highlights each year, concluding the first day of the main conference. Drinks and dinner are served in the dramatic surroundings of the Honourable Artillery Company’s Armoury House – a grade II listed building located in the heart of London since 1735.
Regiments of the Company have fought with distinction in both World Wars and its current regiment, which forms part of the Territorial Army, has a demanding and exciting role as part of the Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps. The dinner is held in the Long Room, which retains several eighteenth-century features, such as the Royal Coat of Arms and Regimental Coat of Arms. On the walls are portraits of Captains-General and other notable members of the Company. Part of the Future Artillery conference that is certainly not to be missed – join your new contacts and reconnect with your old acquaintances in of the most historic artillery venues in the world!