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International Military Helicopter is the only conference that follows the trajectory of the helicopter life cycle, from future platform design, training and current operations, to maintenance and sustainment.

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2020 Global Military Helicopter Market Report

Defence IQ compiled its update of the annual Global Military Helicopters report, highlighting key requirements and ongoing programmes around the world. Emerging concepts for future vertical lift across the globe are furthering our understanding of how next-generation rotary wing aircraft should be designed, deployed and sustained to meet the demands...

Military Helicopter Additional Resources

Expert Interview: Survivability, emerging threats and autonomous platforms

Survivability in the future battlespace depends on a number of factors and rotary wing operations mush recapitalise and modernise in order to create a full spectrum force which is capable of meeting the demands of a challenging security environment. Defence IQ spoke exclusively to Major Dana Howe, AH-1Z Instructor Pilot,...

Winning today and preparing for tomorrow: Insight into Military Helicopter Operational and Acquisition Challenges

Rotary wing platforms are confronted with a wide range of physical, environmental and logistical challenges limiting mission success. For the past 17 year, the International Military Helicopter conference has been facilitating the discussion within the community and with the industry. Ahead of this year's summit, Defence IQ had the privilege...

Military Helicopters: International Challenges

The adaptability of the modern military helicopter, its potential for multi-role and multi-mission deployment, and its ability to penetrate the most austere and hostile environments is testament to its enduring value to armies, air forces, navies and special forces, demonstrated by the increasing spending figures in new platforms, modernization of...

Thinking about partnering

Defence iQ Business Development Pack

The defence enterprise is expanding as commercial industry and SMEs innovate and reshape future force design considerations. Public-private sector collaboration to solve the Defence community’s most complex problems is therefore more important than ever. Defence iQ’s digital platform can provide your business with those invaluable touch points from which to...

2021 Concept Agenda

Struggling to generate demand for your solution?The pandemic has disrupted many traditional business development opportunities, including face-to-face meetings and events. We can help International Military Helicopter is the only opportunity to network online with senior military and government leaders who are actively looking for solutions to current and future capabilities...

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International Military Helicopter is the only conference that follows the trajectory of the helicopter life cycle, from future platform design, training and current operations, to maintenance and sustainment.