Rear Admiral Paulo Renato Rohwer Santos

Commander, Naval Aviation Brazilian Navy

Born on 3rd July, 1965, in Niterói city, Rio de Janeiro state, joined the Navy on 1985 at the Naval Academy. In his career served in the following units: Brazilian Training Ship Brasil, Frigate União, 1st Squadron of Search and Attack Helicopters, General Directorate of Navy Material, Patrol Ship Guanabara (Commanding Officer), Superior School of War, 3rd Squadron of General Roles Helicopters (Executive Officer), Aeronautical Directorate, Naval Warfare School, Superior Military Court, 2nd Squadron of General Role Helicopters (Commanding Officer), Fleet Air Arm (Chief of Staff), Naval Attaché in Italy, Naval Maritime Traffic Control (Commanding Officer), Head of the Centre of Planning, Budget and Institutional Managing of Brazilian Air Force Aerospatiale Command. At this moment is the Fleet Air Arm Commanding Officer. Military decoration awarded on his career: Order of Naval Merit (Brazil); Order of Naval Merit (Bolivia); Naval Academy Medal (Republic of Chile); Francisco José de Caldas Medal (Colombia); Italian Navy Staff Golden Medal (Italia); Facultativo Naval Merit Medal (México); Naval Medal of Honour (Peru); Military Merit 3rd Class Medal (Portugal); Medal of Uruguay Armada (Republic of Uruguay); Naval Medal Admiral Luiz Brión (Venezuela); CAMAS Service Medal.

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