Brigadier Christopher King

Head of Military Capability Plans British Army

Brigadier Chris King commissioned into the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in 1993. He has held a range of staff appointments both in the UK and deployed on overseas Operations. He commanded 104 Theatre Sustainment Brigade during which time the Brigade played pivotal roles on Op PITTING; the British withdrawal from Afghanistan, and Op INTERLINK, establishing and evolving the International Donor Coordination Centre as it cohered the flow of multinational military aid into Ukraine. As a staff officer, he has a wealth of experience in the capability and acquisitions career field across myriad high-profile programmes and projects, including as Military Assistant to the Chief of Materiel (Land), AH Plans in the Army Headquarters and as Chief of Staff of the Special Projects Capability Branch in the Ministry of Defence. He is married to Karen, has two boys, Andrew and William and a Labrador called Benji. He enjoys cycling, skiing, sailing and golf.

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