BG David Phillips currently serves as the Program Executive Officer at Program Executive Office Aviation, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Prior to his most recent assignment, he was the Project Manager for the Future Long Range Assault Aircraft. BG Phillips’ previous assignments include the 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment at both Fort Bragg and Fort Polk as an armed reconnaissance platoon leader and staff officer, and the 82d Airborne Division as a staff officer, headquarters company commander, and attack helicopter company commander in the 82d Combat Aviation Brigade. After completing the U.S. Navy Test Pilot School, BG Phillips served as an experimental test pilot at the Army’s Flight Test Directorate and the Aviation Applied Technology Directorate, and in multiple test and acquisition assignments with USSOCOM. Prior to his assignment at PEO Aviation, BG Phillips served as the Program Executive Officer for Rotary Wing, USSOCOM, Special Operations Forces Acquisition Technology and Logistics at MacDill Air Force Base. BG Phillips is a graduate of the United States Military Academy where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Physics. He holds Masters Degrees in Aerospace Engineering from North Carolina State University, and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College. His military education includes the Army Aviation Officer Basic and Captain’s Career Courses, the Cavalry Leader’s Course, the Jumpmaster Course, the Command and General Staff College, the Defense Systems Management College Executive Program Managers Course, and the U.S. Army War College. BG Phillips is qualified in several military, experimental, and FAA certified aircraft.
· How are militaries prioritising MOSA as a core part of acquiring systems and fleet management to better support the warfighter in the future?
· Gain insight into how MOSA eases cost, streamlines implementation and interchangeability, and improves interoperability
· How can procurement heads simplify the acquisition of complex systems to adapt to cutting-edge capabilities?
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