LTC (Rtd) Joseph Natter

International Sales Manager Hensoldt Avionics

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Lieutenant Colonel, US ARMY Retired. Multiple Locations 2005 – 01 JUL 2024 Lead Program Manager | Risk Management • Collaborated future operations within the U.S. Army Europe and Africa comprised of 100 countries with 12 subordinate units and commands during a time of conflict. • Accountable for coordinating with NATO partners, embassies, host nations, HQDA, and joint services in support of Unified Land Operations. Executed over 8 high risk contingencies missions in Europe and Africa. Commander, Battalion Operations Officer • Responsible for 10 uniquely modified MH60M Blackhawk helicopters with a mission to provide rapid response to global contingencies. Commanded 52 Soldiers during multiple deployments worldwide. • Planned to execute combat operations globally while simultaneously maintaining a no notice alert force for the Commander; delivered world class rotary wing training and support across 3 continents. • Leader of a dual-role MH-60L Blackhawk attack/assault helicopter platoon in the world's only Special Operations Aviation Regiment. • Department head in charge of training and combat operations including flying high-risk missions globally.

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