Mr Davis received his commission from the United States Military Academy in 1990 as an Aviation Officer. After completing the Aviation Officer Basic Course and the U.S. Army Rotary Wing Aviator Course in 1991, he was assigned as the Aero Weapons Platoon Leader in Charlie Troop, 3rd Squadron, 17th Cav-alry, 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, New York with service in Somalia. After attending the Avia-tion Officer Advanced Course and Aviation Maintenance Officer Course from 1994 into 1995, he was assigned as the Company Commander for B Company, 1st Battalion (Attack), 2nd Aviation Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division in South Korea. Upon completion of this tour, he was assigned as the Chief of the Material and Systems Management Branch, Aircraft Logistics Management Division, Directorate of Logistics, United States Army Aviation Center at Fort Rucker, AL. In 2001, he was assigned as a Con-tracting Officer for the Tulsa District United States Army Corps of Engineers, where he deployed to Ku-wait as part of the Restore Iraqi Oil mission in 2003. In 2004, he was assigned as the Comanche Pro-gram Integrator for DCMA Boeing Philadelphia supporting the Comanche Termination and was de-ployed to Iraq as an Administrative Contracting Officer in support of the First Marine Expeditionary Force. Following his deployment, he was assigned to DCMA Huntsville where he led the Future Combat System team and deployed to Afghanistan as an Administrative Contracting Officer supporting the Combined Forces Command, Afghanistan headquarters in Kabul. Upon his return, Mr. Davis served as the Program Integrator for the UH-72A Lakota. In 2007, he was assigned to PM Cargo as the Assistant Product Manager for Product Improvement and Foreign Military Sales until his retirement in 2010. Up-on his retirement, he was selected to become the Deputy Product Manager for Cargo Modernization and remained in that positon until Jan 2017. Mr. Davis holds a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Economics from the United States Military Academy and a Master’s of Business Administration from the University of Virginia. He is also a graduate of the Command & General Staff College and is Level III certified in Program Management and Contracting. He completed the Program Manager’s Course in 2012. Mr. Davis and his wife have two daughters.
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