Secure Australia Conference SECAUS24 - Event Guide

Secure Australia Conference SECAUS24 - Event Guide

Secure Australia Conference SECAUS24 , taking place this 12-14 November in Sydney - Agenda Now Available!

Unveil the Strategies Shaping Australia's Security Future Download your Secure Australia Conference 2024 (SECAUS24) agenda and gain exclusive access to a line-up of distinguished speakers, including:

  • Commander Sophie Cabanes: Head of Law Enforcement at Sea, French Armed Forces in New Caledonia
  • Peter Jacquez: Executive Director, Workforce Care Directorate, US Customs and Border Protection
  • Andrew Seedhouse: Space, Intelligence, National Security & Cyber Program Division (SINC), Defence Science and Technology Group
  • Rear Admiral Brett Sonter: Commander Maritime Border Command, Australian Border Force
  • Kylie Rendina: Assistant Commissioner ABF Workforce, Safety and Assurance, Australian Border Force
  • Catherine Burn: Deputy Director General Capability Corporate Management Transformation, Australian Secret Intelligence Service

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