• Insights into the integration of autonomy into the naval fleet
• Case study examples
• Supporting innovation and development through NavyX
• Experimenting with cutting-edge autonomous maritime technologies, including C2 for MUS-driven operations, swarming and mine location
• Pushing forward capability development of MUS for NATO and partner nations, to combat the future threat
• The role of industry assets and enablers to develop MUS capabilities that can address warfighting needs
• Update on the latest Priority Implementation Roadmap (PIR): Developing technologies such as autonomous operation, for future naval applications
• Insights into the cross-domain Action Plan on Autonomous Systems (APAS)
• Developments on the Best Practice Guide for Unmanned Maritime Systems through REPMUS
• Empirical and theoretical validation of digital twin models for uncrewed naval systems (UNS)
• Predictive threat vector analytics: Enhancing tactical adaptability in uncrewed naval in real time operations
• A Kuwaiti researcher’s perspective: Aligning academia, industry, and fleet modernisation for UNS
This dynamic panel brings together leading experts to explore how these advanced technologies are revolutionising maritime operations. From enhancing situational awareness to redefining naval
warfare, we will uncover the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead:
• What are the recent examples of Swarming operations in relation to the current and future threat context and what lessons have we observed from them?
• What is the potential for uncrewed-crewed teaming?
• How are AI and machine learning enhancing the capabilities of swarming uncrewed systems?
• How are we ensuring ethical decision-making and maintaining accountability for the actions taken in autonomous naval operations?
• What are the primary challenges coordinating interoperable coordinated UNS?
• The experimentation, development, and operational integration of medium and large unmanned surface vessels (USVs)
• How Black Sea conflict is informing US Navy unmanned systems
• Technological integration to meet the strategic imperative for ASW
• Insights into perceptions of current geopolitical tensions
• Technological advancements needed for the future
• Responding to evolving threats