Military Airlift: Requirements and Holdings Report 2016
Add bookmarkOver the next 10 years, more than 800 new military airlifters are forecast to be delivered, valued at $65 billion. The principal manufacturers will be Airbus Military (A400M) and Lockheed Martin (C-130/C-5M), but Embraer will be a significant newcomer to the market (KC-390). Over 4,169 Military Airlifters are in-service worldwide, with the C-130 Hercules, the most prolific type at more than 1,000 aircraft in 68 countries. There are also 749 Military Tankers in service in 30 countries.
This report lists all known and current military airlift inventory holdings for each country along with ongoing procurement programmes and requirements. The report distnguisehes between tactical and strategic airlifters, as well as identifying strategic tankers and transport. The data is broken down by region covering global holdings and requirements.